
Above and Beyond (working title) is an original world I've been playing with every now and then when the mood strikes me. I don't post about it very often mostly because I haven't got much to say yet, I feel less like I'm writing a story and more like I'm constructing a world and it's occupants and I'm fine with that, I'm fine with this being just for me.
But I want to put all this information into one place, one site where I can access all these loose ideas at once, and if I'm already doing that I might as well make it public for you guys to look at as well.
So here it is. The Above and Beyond Wiki!

Have a look around
Links below:

Help Wanted!
Recently the folder for my oc wiki has inexplicably duplicated itself, now if I try to upload a file to the original folder it automatically transefers to the imposter folder and any attempt to edit existing files instead create just a broken duplicate in there instead of updating the file I'm actually editing.
I have no idea whats doing this but it means all the pages in the orignal folder are esentially frozen and can no longer be changed in anyway. I can't tell if this is something I'm doing wrong or an issue on Neocities end but my searches for a fix have brought up nothing so I'm putting it up to you internet stranger! If you have any idea whats going on here please drop me a line in my guestbook if you can, thank you.
